Detecting and Processing Anomalies in a Factory of the Future
23. August 2022/by DeneckeNetwork monitoring for cheese?
Securing the dairy manufacturing process of the future
17. June 2022/by DeneckeThe…
Tackling Anomalies in Factory of the Future Networks with AI and Visualization
Visualization is key in making abstract data more understandable,…
18. May 2022/by DeneckeAI Manipulation and Security – Who should be interested
Artificial Intelligence is supporting business by producing knowledge…
11. November 2021/by DeneckePaper Presentation at the EDCC 2021
Carsten Thomas from the University of Applied Sciences Berlin…
28. September 2021/by DeneckeNew State of the Art Document
The new State of the Art document provides an overview on factories…
24. June 2021/by DeneckeAre there hidden costs of untrusted technology in 5G private networks?
In some European metropolitan areas, you can already see a 5G…
15. March 2021/by Denecke